We offer TRANSLATIONS from 50 languages, in more than 70 fields.
Delivery: We handle written translations in two ways, standard (return from 3 working days minimum), and express. Express return means we shorten the delivery time by half. We can also return completed translations within several hours of confirmation of the order. Either way, delivery dates are always agreed upon with the client in advance.
Formatting and proofreading
Written translations can optionally be finalised in a text editor/layout programme indicated by the client. Otherwise, the format of the translated document will be identical to the format of the source document. We use CAT programmes (inc. SDL Trados and MemoQ), which can also provide benefits to you. No matter the programmes used or the formats required, all of the work is done by specially-selected translators and proofreaders.
The unit of accounting
For a normal translation is a source word, which is a popular method of estimating the volume of documents. When accepting the material for translation, we always state to the client the precise number of words to be translated, so that we can immediately estimate the cost of every order.
Layout and desk top publishing
Layout includes rendering the translated document in a form as close to the original as possible. This includes accurately replicating the layout of the original document, which is often done for manuals or other documents that contain graphic elements.
Desk top publishing includes typesetting of the translated text to enable high-circulation printing at a later stage.